Creative Hide Photography

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Dear friends,

I like to bring the following two online events on Monday November 22 and 29, 8.00 PM CET Amsterdam, 7.00 UK under your attention.

Jan van der Greef returns with two excellent presentations on Creative Hide Photography. In these presentations Jan will cover several hides in Europe and discusses the challenges and tricks to create unique award-winning images of birds and mammals.

Each event can be watched as a standalone presentation, but we have added a special offer so that you can attend both for the cost of one of Jan’s normal events and have longer with the recording. 

We seriously recommend registration and participation in the live event for the chance to ask questions directly yourself or listen to the answers they give to other participants. Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content.

The recordings of both events will be sent to all registrants and will be viewable for an extended period (7 days) to allow those watching both sessions again and again to absorb all the tips.
Booking Details
November 22 and 29, 2021
Note – Event Start 8.00 PM CET AMSTERDAM 7.00 PM UK. Presented on Zoom

Special price booking link for two events  

Hide Photography event 1:

Hide Photography event 2:

The wonderful world of Hummingbirds

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Dear friends,

I like to bring the following online event on Monday May 24, 8.00 PM CET Amsterdam, 7.00 UK under your attention.

Description Photography Experts

In this fascinating event Jan van der Greef shares his amazing encounters in South America – Hummingbird paradise and journeys to the hotspots of these wonderful and enigmatic birds in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.
Hummingbirds are distributed throughout the Americas and are a very diverse family with 377 species and with jaw-dropping characteristics. They are among the most diverse and specialized group of avian pollinators and faster than our eyes can see! The challenges for photographers are clear but the amazing results that can be obtained are mesmerizing.
Hummingbirds are symbol of movement, ultimate freedom and joy!
Jan has kindly shared a preview of his presentation with us and it is stunning, in this presentation, there is a great mixture of precision photography with the photographic considerations, incredible insights into the challenges of photographing the specific species woven in with his trademark creativity and wonderous perspective of the lands and people in the places he visits.
Photographers will appreciate the tips and advice along with the insight into what it takes to build a world-class and award-winning portfolio of a species.
We seriously recommend registration and participation in the live event for the chance to ask questions directly yourself or listen to the answers they give to other participants. Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content as well as being given a 72 hour post event streaming of the event, so even if for some reason you are unable to attend you still get to see the full event.

Booking Details

May 24, 2021
Note – Event Start 8.00 PM CET AMSTERDAM 7.00 PM UK. Presented on Zoom
Please book or enquire here:

Best wishes,


Invitation webinar Mesmerizing Murmuration’s, March 29

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I like to bring the following online event on Monday March 29, 7.30 PM CET Amsterdam, 6.30 UK under your attention.


In “Mesmerizing murmuration’s” Jan will take us into the magical world of starling flocks and their magical sky ballets near sunset.  Breath-taking choreographies appear when small groups join near their roosting side, while growing into a huge new organism.
Dynamic patterns of interconnectedness feel as the heart of the observed behaviour. Science just begins to touch the underlying self-organization principles. In addition, intuitive photography enables us to experience this phenomenon, sensing the essence of the indescribable interconnectedness of life.
As ever Jan will intertwine great images with fascinating stories of starlings with unique approaches to photograph starling murmuration’s creating reflections of the beauty of the natural world.

Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content as well as being given a 72-hour post event streaming of the event, so even if for some reason you are unable to attend you still get to see the full event.

When you sign in to the webinar at least 5 min prior to the start, you can enjoy a beautiful video ‘The dance of the starlings’ made by my wife Jetske.

Booking Details

March 29, 2021
Note – Event Start 7.30 PM CET AMSTERDAM 6.30 PM UK. Presented on Zoom

Please book or enquire here:

Invitation Webinar August 24

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Dear friends,

I like to bring the following online event on Monday August 24 19.30 CET under your attention, a presentation in which I share technical details related to my signature style of nature photography. Some new images are shared, the making off in addition to optimizing settings guided by your intuition.

This is an eagerly awaited and much requested chance to see and hear the unique signature style of Jan Van Der Greef explained. Jan will be going into the strategies, technical challenges and camera settings required to create beautiful images. Jan will present a gateway into practicing and understanding the basic modes of operation, the importance of seeing backgrounds differently, as well as writing and painting with light etc.
To fully appreciate Jan’s unique approach and acclaimed image-making this event is best viewed in combination with the “Symbolic Nature Photography” event on August 3, available as a recording on the PE website (
Aug 24, 2020 19:30 CET (Amsterdam time zone GMT+2) ) and 18:30 (London time zone GMT+1))
Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content as well as being given a 72 hour post event streaming of the event, so even if for some reason you are unable to attend you still get to see the full event. Recordings are made available at a future date but without the premium content.
Please book or enquire here :


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Dear friends,

I like to bring the following online event on Monday August 3 19.30 CET under your attention, a presentation in which I share my signature style on symbolic nature photography and will give in depth insight into symbolic language pointing to my worldview behind my recent book Beyond Oneness. For attendees a special offer will be announced for the combination purchase of my two recent books.


Our inner world of images is the central arena of who we are and of our potential. Connecting with and photographing the beauty of the outer world reflects our inner world and gives insight into our limitless potential.

In this presentation, symbolic nature photography is highlighted in view of developing a unique style.

My book Beyond Oneness is used to illustrate how a world view is translated into visual poetry and how images are selected to represent the best fit with feelings.
Aug 3, 2020 19:30 CET (Amsterdam time zone GMT+2) ) and 18:30 (London time zone GMT+1))

Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content as well as being given a 72 hour post event streaming of the event, so even if for some reason you are unable to attend you still get to see the full event. Recordings are made available at a future date but without the premium content.

Register on

Lezing en boekpresentatie: ‘Waar geen woorden voor zijn…’

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Ter gelegenheid van het verschijnen van zijn visueel-poëtische fine art fotoboek


Beyond Oneness
bridging the seen and the unseen’


Jan van der Greef een lezing getiteld:

Waar geen woorden voor zijn …

Dynamische patronen van relaties in de natuur vormen de leidraad in Jan van der Greefs wetenschappelijke en filosofische ontdekkingsreis. De natuur bracht hem in contact met het onbegrensde mystieke gevoel, dat niet in woorden of concepten gevangen kan worden. Fine art natuurfotografie creëerde voor hem een visuele brug naar het onzichtbare, een bron van zingeving. In deze lezing laat hij ons proeven door woord en beeld van dit onbeschrijfelijke gevoel dat nergens en overal is.


Datum: 17 november 2019
Plaats: Ceciliakapel, Kontakt der Kontinenten, Amersfoortsestraat 20, 3769 AS Soesterberg
Tijd: vanaf 10.30 tot ~ 13.00 uur, lezing van 11.00 – 12.00 uur


De Toegangsprijs per persoon   15€
De toegangsprijs per persoon incl. het boek Beyond Oneness   75€
De toegangsprijs 2 personen incl. 1x Limited collectors edition 225€


Toegang is inclusief koffie, thee en water


Toegangskaarten zijn verkrijgbaar via de website :
De bevestiging is dan tevens de toegangskaart.

Info en preview van het nieuwe visueel-poëtische fine art fotoboek Beyond Oneness inclusief supplement in 7 talen waaronder Nederlands :

Van harte welkom op 17 november!

Winner European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018

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It is my pleasure to share with you that my image “Lonely Hunter”, a

wolverine in winter at the border of Finland and Russia has been

selected as this years winner in the category mammals of the GDT European Wildlife

Photographer of the Year contest. I am very pleased and honored with this award!















What a memorable night at WPY54

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What a memorable night at WPY54😊 I congratulate all winners! I am still excited and deeply touched!