Dear friends,
I like to bring the following two online events on Monday November 22 and 29, 8.00 PM CET Amsterdam, 7.00 UK under your attention.
Jan van der Greef returns with two excellent presentations on Creative Hide Photography. In these presentations Jan will cover several hides in Europe and discusses the challenges and tricks to create unique award-winning images of birds and mammals.
Each event can be watched as a standalone presentation, but we have added a special offer so that you can attend both for the cost of one of Jan’s normal events and have longer with the recording.
We seriously recommend registration and participation in the live event for the chance to ask questions directly yourself or listen to the answers they give to other participants. Only registrants to the live event will have access to the Q&A content.
The recordings of both events will be sent to all registrants and will be viewable for an extended period (7 days) to allow those watching both sessions again and again to absorb all the tips.
Booking Details
November 22 and 29, 2021
Note – Event Start 8.00 PM CET AMSTERDAM 7.00 PM UK. Presented on Zoom
Special price booking link for two events

Hide Photography event 1:

Hide Photography event 2: